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Auto Captions

Auto Captions allows you to automatically generate captions and subtitles for your videos, from directly within Teleprompter Pro. Auto Captions uses your script as it appears in the teleprompter to generate individual captions for your videos.

Teleprompter Pro Auto Captions

How does Auto Captions Work?

While you read your teleprompter, Auto Captions works in the background recording exactly when you scrolled past each section of your script. Then when you’re finished, it intelligently splits your script into individual captions with the correct timings, and packages them into a widely compatible .srt captions file.

  • There’s no need to transcribe your video
  • Auto Captions does not use AI models or any cloud processing of your information
  • Auto Captions does not use voice recognition

What are .srt Captions?

SubRip files are the industry-standard for subtitles and closed captions. An .srt file includes detailed timing information for each caption or subtitle, ensuring they’ll be displayed at exactly the right moment in your video. All major video platforms and video editing programs accept .srt files for subtitles and captions.

SubRip .srt captions files are compatible with:

  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Final Cut Pro
  • YouTube Captions

Getting Started with Auto Captions

To enable Auto Captions:

  1. Open any script in Teleprompter Pro
  2. Tap Settings Icon
  3. Go to Auto Captions
  4. Enable Switch OnEnable Auto Captions

Generate Your First Captions File

When Auto Captions is enabled, your captions file begins “recording” when you start scrolling your script. By default, your captions file will only complete recording when you reach the end of your script. Change the End Recording option to have recording end when you stop scrolling.

To generate your first captions file:

  1. Open any script in Teleprompter Pro
  2. Make sure that Auto Captions is enabled
  3. Begin scrolling through your script until it reaches the end

You can then adjust and export your .srt caption file:

  1. Tap Settings Icon
  2. Go to Caption Files
  3. Select your most recent File

Recording Settings

Adjust how Auto Captions records your captions as you scroll.

End When Scrolling Stops

  • Enable Switch OnEnd When Scrolling Stops to finish recording your caption timings when you stop scrolling the Teleprompter.
  • Disable Switch OffEnd When Scrolling Stops to only finish recording your caption timings when you reach the very end of your script.

Synchronised with Video Recording

  • Enable Switch OnSynchronised with Video Recording to start and stop recording your caption timings when you start and stop recording your video.
  • This option requires you to enable the camera

Caption Phrase Length

Adjust the amount of text from your script that Auto Captions will consider to be a single caption.

It’s important to adjust this setting for the appropriate amount of text to appear in each caption. It’s a good idea to experiment with each of the different Caption Phrase Length options, as well as different font sizes in your script.

Here is a general rule to follow when considering your caption phrase length:

  • Standard: One line of text from your script
  • More Words: Two lines of text from your script
  • Max Words: Three lines of text from your script

It’s important to remember that Auto Captions works based on your script exactly as it appears in the teleprompter. Therefore, if your script has a smaller font size, you will have more words in each of your caption phrases, similar to this example:

Regular Font Size:

Caption Phrase Length

Smaller Font Size:

Caption Phrase Length with a smaller font

Caption File Settings

After recording your captions, you can adjust how the captions are timed.

Start First Caption at 00:00

Adjusts your captions to begin at 00:00, removing any time delay from the beginning. This is useful for fropping into video editing software like Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere.

Timing Adjustment

Adds a specific delay to the start of your captions. This delay is added to the first caption, then the following captions will be timed relative to the first.

If you have enabled Switch OnStart First Caption at 00:00, this timing adjustment will become the exact time that your first caption appears.

Caption Linger Time

The maximum amount of time that a single caption will remain visible in your video.

If your video has a portion where there is no speech, you can use an appropriate Caption Linger Time setting to make sure that the last spoken caption doesn’t remain visible for too long.

Equally, you can set this option to No Limit, so that the last caption always remains visible.